Friday, December 6, 2019

Women Who Are Currently Experiencing Violence By Male Partner

Question: Discuss about the Women Who Are Currently Experiencing Violence By Male Partner. Answer: Background information: Mitchell has shared her horrible experience with her male partner during her live in period. She was subjected to physical and mental abuse on daily basis. She had to leave her house and the court has to consider her situation as her partner still threatening her. She is suffering from mental depression and has to join in the counseling classes. Record of contract: A social program has been arranged to point out the social condition of the women and Mitchell has represented her at the program. The initial contact has been made with Mitchell that day. After that day, four seating have been organized with her and each seating continued for three long hour. The horrible experience of Mitchell during that period and her urge to get rid of that situation influenced me a lot. She had overcome the trauma to certain extent but I think we need to raise our voice against the same and make a strong protest for the grief condition of the women in the modern Australia. Sufficient consideration and intervention of the court is required in this case. Court needs to peruse the documents submitted before it and has to consider the medical report and copy of complaints made by the victim in this case. Social History: Mitchell was born in Melbourne in the year 1984 and she was third child in her family. She came to New South Wales for work and she met Peter in the office. They both came closer to each other and started to live in together. It has been known from her that Peter was drug addict and his dose had been increased when he lost his job. It has been observed that Mitchell has to bear all the expenses and had to take care of all the domestic matters. Peter did not try for another job and he used to beat Mitchell during the drug inducement stage. During one of her interviews, it has been contended by Mitchell that her partner had attempted to intercourse with her against her will and in case of any objection, he beat her bitterly. She had made two police complaint and Peter was apologized for his activities. Mitchell had forgiven him due to love and affection. However, the situation has not changed yet rather the amount of torture was increased. It has further been observed that Mitchell had conceived during that period and she had to abort her child due to continuous pressure made by her partner and she had undergone into mental trauma and it was hard for her to lead her life with her partner. During that period, sudden death of her mother had dragged her towards the melancholic situation and that affected her mental state to many aspects. It has been contended by her that she has developed mental depression at that state and lost her job. She felt her as a lone and detached woman in the globe. When she understood that such violence would not be stopped, she had left her home, started to live separately, and joined counseling class. Education and work experience: Mitchell had a bright educational background and she had graduated from Victoria University in the year 2008. Her subject was applied computer science and she got a chance to go further with her studies. However, she got the job within that period and could not continue her studies. It has been learnt from her that she was in high demand of money for her family as her father died since her childhood. She was posted in the community management and she had to deal with the fiber optics technology. She had to shift to New South Wales for that job and started to live as a paying guest there. History of abuse: Mitchell states that she fell in love with Peter during her office days and Peter was her senior in the office. They started dating for some period and after that, she had shifted in a flat jointly with Peter. She was unknown about the addiction of Peter and found that after one week of her settlement with Peter. She had to burn the midnight oil for her official purpose and during that period, Peter caused disturbance to her. He frequently made demand for sex and Mitchell had to cooperate with his desires. However, it has been learnt from the interviews that Peter had lost his job after some time and Mitchell has to bear all the expenses. Peter had no intention to find another job for himself and he pressurized Mitchell to bear his addiction price. In case of any denial, he used to beat Mitchell and mentally torture her. Mitchell was depressed for all these occurrences and lost her job too. Her depression had been incremented after the sudden death of her mother in the year 2016. It has also been contended by her that she became pregnant in 2017, but she had to abort due to continuous mental and physical abuse by her partner. All these incidents had created great impact on her, she had undergone into mental depression, and her health condition was deteriorated day to day. Health: After being subjected to continuous mental and physical torture, the health condition of Mitchell was deteriorated and she had to admit to hospital for two times. She was suffering from mental depression and she felt her lonely. Further, sudden death of her mother and the incident of abortion weaken her mentally and she became disturbed. She used to share her experience with her mother and mother was her only support. Further, she could not concentrate in anything for all the violence she had to face by her partner. Financial condition: It has been observed that she and her partner both were working in a company. They have shifted in a large flat in the city on rent and both of them paid for their household works. However, suddenly Peter was terminated from his office and therefore, all the expenses come on the shoulder of Mitchell. She had to meet the official requirements and domestic requirements as well. She had to face serious financial trouble in that days and it was tough for her to meet all the requirements perfectly. She had to bear the cost of cocaine and in case of any denial; she had to bear violence from her partner. Peter used to treat her as house cleaner and a medium to fulfill all his demands. No minimum support she got from her partner and this dragged her to mental depression. Professional assessment: Considering all the interview sessions with Mitchell, it has been observed that she was subjected to acute mental and physical torture and she did not want to hide any fact from me. Her condition reflects the untold story of many Australian women who had to face violence from their male partner. Her story of depression shook me a lot and she should get justice. Her urge to recover all the depressions are quite motivated. However, all the reasonable actions should have to take against her partner and interference of the court is required in this case. Reflection part: I am quite enthusiastic about the human rights and considering the dark experience of Mitchell, certain ethical viewpoints have been come into my notice. I am quite motivated by the struggle of Mitchell. Her experiences had shaken me internally and I can relate me with her. It has been learnt from her that she had lost her father in her early days and she was on great demand of love. It has been observed that when she had been shifted to New South Wales for her job and there she met Peter. She wanted to found that love from Peter but she had to face adverse situation and acute violence from him. She had become mentally depressed and she did not get any medium that can give her peace. It has been observed that her partner had snatched all her fundamental rights away from her and she ought to have a fair ground to narrate all her experience before the court. Mitchell should have to get fair chance as all her human rights had been taken away and she was forced to abort her child. Her partner deteriorated her health condition due to continuous torture. However, she has able to overlap all the negative effects but she should be fairly adjudicated by the Court. There are certain ethical considerations engraved in the case. The condition of Mitchell should be dealt in the ground of justice and the court has to determine what is right and what is wrong by considering the ethical concepts in her case. Her case should be considered with the adherence of social justice and all the ethical perspectives should have to consider properly. Her rights should be preserved and she should get a fair trial regarding the same. 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